19 September 2024: Presentation of the Health disadvantages for women in the Swiss healthcare system.

A Response to the Fehlmann Rielle Postulate presented by its authors. In ENGLISH


In response to postulate 19.3910 from Laurence Fehlmann Rielle (Women's Health: For better consideration of their specificities), the BAG/OFSP mandated the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies in Bern (IZFG) and the Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) in August 2022 to produce a scientific report. 

Drawing on this document, the Federal Council crafted its response to the postulate in May 2024, which outlines many actions in research, prevention, care, training, and the professional environment.

The authors will present their findings.


  • Dr. Christine Bigler, Senior Researcher & Lecturer, IZGF
  • Dr. Tina Büchler, Senior Researcher & Lecturer, IZGF
  • Prof. Dr. Michèle Amacker, Professor of Gender Studies, Co-Director of IZFG

Date: 19 September, 11:00am - 12:00 am, remote connection

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Join us to explore the results and discuss recommendations for a better taking into account of women's specificities.

Access the reports here.


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